This Stupid Day

Every day is a stupid holiday now.

By Scott Bradford – Version 2.0.4

Copyright © 2017-2024, SB Creative Enterprises
All rights reserved


Every single day it's some commemoration, observance, or holiday. Some of them are nice. Who doesn't like Arbor Day? But a lot of them are pretty pointless. Like, what use is National Ice Cream Day? Everybody knows that every day is ice cream day!

Let's embrace the madness. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Thanks to This Stupid Day, every day is a stupid holiday now. You will never miss another National Eat Food Day (June 4) or National Surprise Donkey Day (September 13). This will make you a hero at both social and professional events.


Built with PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in JetBrains PHPStorm. Scripts and styles minified with CSSO and UglifyJS. Libraries and toolkits used include Bootstrap, Bootstrap Icons, Popper, and Tempus Dominus.

Data files generated with Python,, NumPy, pandas, and openpyxl in JetBrains PyCharm. Professional driver on closed course; do not attempt. Call your doctor if you experience postprandial dyspepsia or hypnagogia.

Every day is a stupid holiday now. – 2.0.4
Copyright © 2017-2024, SB Creative Enterprises